Wednesday, September 5, 2007


It really is all about organisation isn't it? When I want a quick healthy lunch, it is wonderfully easy if I have green beans in the freezer (how I love those things) and some diced lean lamb in the meat compartment and a head of broccoli in the drawer.

Or some lovely organic apples in the fruit bowl, nestled into some oranges.

Because otherwise, when I'm hungry and I need to eat fast, it is so much easier to grab a handful of chips (my mother quite literally demanded I get her some when I was at the supermarket the other day. I should have made her take the bag with her) or a wheatmeal biscuit or a piece of cheese.

My body feels happier when I'm eating healthier but I need to take some time to do the shopping and make sure it is all set up. Makes it so much easier to truck on.

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